Research Process

Below are the steps used in Research process:

1. Research Problem: This is the first step in the research process. In this step, the researcher selects the subject on which he wants to do a research. This will be selected on his own will & wish. Research problem refers to the subject on which the researchers do their investigation & get the desired & accurate result.


a) Review concepts & theories: In this step, the researcher one who has selected his research problem will review some of the concepts & theories regarding his problem. This helps the researcher to know what to be collected to get success in the research.

b) Review previous concepts & theories: This step is similar to the previous one. In this, the researcher one who has selected his research problem will review some of the previous concepts & theories regarding his problem. Previous concepts & theories will be available with those people who’ve done their previous research on that problem. This helps the researcher to know that how we’ve to proceed further in our process.

3. Formulate Hypothesis: This is the third step under the process of research process. In this step, the researcher sets the hypothesis. Hypothesis refers to the statements which prescribes the alternative solution or the alternate result. For instance, if we want to do research on any particular company’s employee satisfaction then the hypothesis may be in the following way: “All the employees are satisfied with the company” or “Partial employees are satisfied with the company”. This helps the researcher to get the any of the desired above results. we can make the research without framing the hypothesis, as it depends upon the researcher to frame the hypothesis.

4. Research Design: In this step, the researcher frames the steps in which he want to get his research done. It is nothing but the framing the steps for our self which in turn helps the researcher to avoid overlap of his research steps. This helps the researcher to complete his work without any hurdles.

5. Collect Data: This is the main method in the process of Research. In this step, the researcher collects the data regarding his research. This is considered to be very important, because the research depends only upon the data which is collected by the researcher. There are many sources in collecting the data viz., Primary Source & Secondary Source. It is left to the researcher to select the suitable source of data for his research.

6. Analyse data: In this step, the researcher analyse the data which are collected by him for his research. Analysing the data helps the researcher to get the desired data which is very helpful to research. In this step the researcher deletes or eliminates the undesired or irrelevant data. But on the contrary the researcher must also see that excess of time is not wasted in this step.

7. Interpret & Report: This is the last step under the research process. In this step, the researcher interprets his report in front of any official or any responsible personnel. In this step the researcher has to exhibit all his experience regarding the subject matter of the research to the great extent.

Conclusion: This was an attempt to know about the research process in brief and in simple way. If any one are willing to give their comment then they are requested to send their valuable comments to: PraveenKumar V Keskar or contact to Nagaratna Madam, Faculty of BRM @ Vivekanand Institute of Management.

Thank you,
Prepared by:
PraveenKumar V Keskar,


shruti jigalur said...

this one better than the older one.. good work man

Ankita Jadhav said...

really good work... very useful to management students...

Unknown said...

if u had sent is earlier we all would hv got still better marks..anyways, good work kumara

Unknown said...

good pandit this would realy helpfull to the students in their studies and also others who access for knowledge